To Save The Planet, We Have To “Design Out” Waste. The Circular Economy Explained.

To Save The Planet, We Have To “Design Out” Waste. The Circular Economy Explained.

In rich countries, we’ve always made stuff that we want without giving any thought to what we’re going to with that stuff when we’re done with it. This is linear thinking. some people call it ’take-make-waste” and it has an irreversible negative impact on people and on the environment.
A better way to think about how we design, make and use products is to think about a circular model. we can ‘design out’ waste and pollution if we think of it as a design flaw. We can also design products that have a longer life expectancy.
How can we use products instead of using up products? We were created by nature for nature. healthy natural systems thrive by ensuring that everything is food for something else.
But, in the end, this problem will only be solved if you actually give a crap about this. When I say you, I mean you. You have to demand more sustainable production and, wherever possible, buy those products and avoid products that have a low sustainability profile.
Should every product have sustainability information written on the label? Drop a yes or no in the comments and tell me what you think.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein, Physicist
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