The Future Of Democracy

Important Update:

I have renamed the Wolf Party “One Direct Demcoracy“. Check out on the One Direct Demcoracy website and the One Direct Democracy YouTube channel

The Future Of Democracy

By Adam Radly [6 minute read] 

One thing I often hear is people say is – I’m not interested in politics.

Do you think all people should be treated equally?

Do you think innocent people should not be killed in unnecessary wars?

Do you think that people should be given an opportunity to make just a little money so they can buy food?

Is it ok for your neighbor to have an assault rifle.

Is it okay for your neighbor to create a weapon of mass destruction with a 3d printer one day in the future?

Is it okay for the government to create a digital footprint of everything you do each day and use it against you?

Off course, there are some people that genuinely don’t care about any of these things. 
“I don’t stand for anything. I don’t want to have a say in anything. I’m just a passive loser. I’m happy to be a slave to whatever you all decide. Because, I’m not interested in politics.”
If you’re still watching, I’m assuming you’re not one of those people. Congratulations. 

There’s a lot of big global problems and there’s also a lot of smaller problems in local communities. The good news is that most of these problems have a solution. The bad news is that the solutions are not being implemented? Why? In almost every case there’s a politician standing in the way and they can get away with it because the current democratic systems allows it. We need a new democratic system that genuinely gives the power to the people.

Most democracies involve electing a politician or a political party that will make decisions on behalf of millions of people. This is what’s known as a “ representative democracy”. You don’t make the decisions. Politicians make the decisions for you. Sometimes you’ll agree with them and sometimes you won’t. And that’s the problem. 

Most politicians prioritize their work as follows: their re election comes first, their personal agenda comes second and doing what is best for the people comes third. 

We’ve reached a point in the evolution of technology, democracy and humanity where can create a better democratic system that solves this problem and gives all of the power to people.

We can take all of the power away from politicians by taking away their ability to vote on our behalf and simply voting for everything directly ourselves. This is known as a direct democracy.  

It results in what I call “Infinite fragmentation”. If 1 million people have to vote on 5 different issues, how many voting combinations are possible? In a representative democracy, only one entity, the government, will vote 5 times for a total of 10 possible combinations. In a direct democracy, instead of having 10 voting combinations for just one entity, there will be 10 voting combinations for 1 million citizens. That’s 10 million voting combinations. And it results in much better political efficiency, which I have decided to define as – the extent to which a political system can implement the will of the people. Direct democracy is almost 100% efficient. Whereas representative democracy is, well, just, shit. 

Now, I can tell that you, you highly intelligent specimen of humanity, have identified some problems with my plan. Relax, I’m going to address them for you, one by one. My plan is not just to advocate for direct voting and the use of some technology. That’s just useless theory propagated by delusional idealists. I like to think of my plan as a… pragmatic framework – that will inevitably be implemented. 

Voting booth. Now, it’s obviously not practical for people make a daily trip to a voting booth to vote on the issues of the day, so voting will need to be done online. 

What about online voting security and privacy. If we use blockchain technology we will be able to do two things: One – we can make all voting completely confidential. Two: we will end up with a transparent ledger of votes that anyone can audit. There is no way for regular citizens to review the voting results of an election or referendum under the current voting systems. 

Understanding the issues: It’s impossible for you, the average voter, to be an expert on everything. In many cases you won’t have the time or the inclination to learn everything you need to learn to make an informed decision about every issue. We can solve this problem by asking multiple experts to provide multiple opinions. Wouldn’t it be nice to get opinions from experts instead of biased politicians and biased political commentators?

Frequency of voting. You might say, well, I might read an expert’s opinion if it’s about an issue I’m interested in but I’m not going to read an expert’s opinion about a new issue everyday. You don’t have to read anything. You can convey your vote to an expert that you trust. So you can vote on everything directly if you like, or you can do nothing at all and convey all of your votes to an expert, or any combination of both. In most cases I suspect that people will vote on the issues they feel strongly about and convey their vote on issues that they don’t feel strongly about or they don’t understand. 

Wisdom of crowds. In any kind of democracy, the majority rule. But the wisdom of crowds can be questionable in the sense that the majority may not know what is best for them. So, is it better for the politician to make the decision and get it wrong or is it better for the people to make a decision and get wrong. Well, with great power comes great responsibility but practice makes perfect so power to the people. [You like the way I combined three expressions into one sentence?]. You like that, I constructed a sentence out of three expressions.]

We’re going to need an online platform that will make all of this to work. Yep, I’m taking care of that. Follow me on Youtube or whatever social platform you like and I’ll show it  to you soon.

The final problem, and arguably the biggest, is the issue of changing the political system in order to allow direct voting. In most countries, that will require a change in the constitution and the existing politians will need to agree to it. In most countries, that will take an enormous amount of time or it simply will never happen.

I don’t have any interest in just proposing theories and frameworks and hoping that politicians will implement them one day. We need to take control of the situation ourselves and cut politicians out of the loop. The best way to do this is to have a party. A political party that can win an election then allow its constituents to vote on every issue directly. These politicians won’t have any power. They will just facilitate the will of the people.

So, what will this party be called? I’m calling it the wolf party. Why the wolf party? The interesting thing about wolves is that they are an apex predator in parts of world that also include bears. But, if a bear and wolf get into a fight the bear always wins. So why are wolves the apex predator? Well, what happens if it’s one bear against 2 wolves. The bear still wins. What about 3,4 or five wolves? This is when the wolves win and the reason is because the wolves have a sophisticated social structure that allows them to work as a team. The bear, on the other hand, has raw power but is too stupid to work with other bears. So, why is it called the wolf party? If any one of us take on a powerful politician, we will lose. If we work together, we can take down any bear anytime.  

The biggest issues are global issues. That’s why the wolf party needs to be global. But these issues can only be addressed with policies that are setup country by country and that’s why the wolf party needs to be in each country. So, how will this work? 

Local citizens will register the wolf party in their own country. If and when they are elected, the people will simply tell them how to vote on every issue.

So, what about me? Am I going to run for office? No. I’m just a man with an idea.

Join the party. Everybody loves a great party. 

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