HEOS Theory

HEOS stands for Human Evolution Operation System. It’s my theory about how humans will naturally evolve by merging with machines. Watch my video or read the transcript below. More about this soon.


“The only thing that technology and AI cannot replace is your individuality. If you think individuality is not valuable… so within, so without.”

I want to briefly introduce HEOS. Human Evolution Operation System. A framework for understanding what has already happened, where we are right now and what will happen in the future.

HEOS 1.0 Individual Humans

HEOS 2.0. Connected humans

HEOS 3.0. Augmented humans

HEOS 4.0. Humans merge with machines

HEOS 5.0. Humans exist in a persistent state of extended reality

So…good news. AI will not kill us. Humans will evolve into anthropomorphic beings.


At the most primitive level, our purpose is to replicate ourselves and live an enjoyable life. We replicate ourselves with biological conception and we make life more enjoyable by inventing things that help us in our daily lives.

Although each individual invention was developed to solve a specific problem in a narrow domain, a high level view of everything that has been created by humans reveals the emergence of a unique combination of technologies that can be used to exterminate humans and to replicate humans.

It seems that the collective intelligence of humanity has predicted its own extinction and concurrently started building the solution.

What could lead to our extinction? And, more importantly what’s the solution?

The ongoing development of science and philosophical frameworks is slowly but surely revealing the operating system that governs our existential experience.

The more we learn about this operating system the easier it will be for us to predict the future and make decisions about what we need to do now.

Before we start, you’re probably thinking, what do I stand for? The right to be left alone, the destruction of centralized power and love.

I’ve only selected a small number of possible scenarios that lead to fundamental shift in human existence. I’ll provide a more detailed exploration of each of these issues and other related issues in future content.

So, let’s starting predicting the future

The most obvious way to predict the future is to review current trends and make conclusions about what will happen if these trends continue. This is what I call “Trend Destination Analysis” (TDA). If an existing trend continues to its logical conclusion, where do we end up?

So let’s look at some trends that involve global population decline, the collapse of money, WSD, mind reading, and the value of consciousness.

Then we’ll end with the solution that will save us…and what you can do to play your role in the most epic drama our human minds can comprehend. [And when I say we, I mean you, the person I’m looking at right now.]

Global birth rates

They have been falling in almost every developed country since the 1950’s. The more developed a country becomes the lower the birth rate. Multiple developed countries already have declining populations. Most of the developed countries that have increasing populations only have increasing populations because they allow a lot of immigration. So let’s to TDA. Over time, all countries will become developed countries therefore all countries will have declining populations. If the current trend continues, the population will be zero.

Aging population

The average life expectancy for humans is increasing – with the exception of Americans, their life expectancy is going backwards.

So, the combination of falling birth rates and increased life expectancy (unless you’re an American) is creating an aging population. [I’ll come back to this in a few minutes.]

Marriage rates

In the meantime, marriage rates in developed countries have been falling since the 1980’s.

The idea of getting married and having children is emerging an outdated paradigm. The short term future of humans will be characterized by people that are single and have no children.

Consequences of aging population

The current social contract in developed countries involves collecting taxes from young people in order to support old people. But the proportion of the population that is young is shrinking and the proportion of the population that is old is growing.

The TDA is simple and obvious. At some point in time, the population of young people will be too small to pay the taxes required to support the population of old people. It will create an insurmountable budget deficit.

The only way governments to cover this budget deficit is by borrowing money. So let’s talk about the collapse of money.

Government debt epidemic

Most sovereign debt exist in developed countries – the same developed countries that have aging populations. [The portion of the population paying taxes is shrinking and portion of the population living off those taxes is growing].

Governments can only service their debt with money collected from taxes.

If the population is aging, the TDA is simple and obvious. At some point in time, the proportion of the population that is paying taxes will be too small for governments to use to service their debt.

This will result in the debt being restructured. Any form of sovereign debt restructuring will have two consequences:

  • Government debt will be perceived as increasingly risky so governments will have to pay higher interests to raise money. The TDA tells us that interest rates will reach a point where governments cannot raise any money.

The collapse of money

  • The value of fiat currency is heavily dependent on the ability of the government behind the fiat currency to pay its bills as and when they fall due. The inability to service debt will trigger the collapse of fiat currencies because they have no intrinsic value.
  • [Interest rates reflect the risk associated with the underlying asset.]
  • [If governments cannot pay their debts central banks will become irrelevant. Therefore, these currencies will collapse. They will be replaced by other instruments that have more perceived value.]
  • This is where crypto assets will play an important role. But crypto assets can only become alternatives to fiat currencies if they are stable, have intrinsic value, and trade in efficient markets. Bitcoin does not meet this criteria. Other crypto assets might.
  • The more likely scenario is that shares in publicly traded corporations and ETF’s representing anything that has perceived value will be used as currency.
  • Therefore the value of large and stable corporations will increase significantly. But, over time, they will also become more vulnerable to disruption by innovation. So wealth will inevitably become more unstable and fluid over time and will require proactive management.

US Debt

As far as I’m concerned, US debt has reached escape velocity. The credit rating of long term government debt instruments that have maturities exceeding 20 years should be downgraded to junk status. This is not hypothetical. The restructuring will happen. When one major economy does this, all will follow then money will collapse. But the world will not end because this scenario will be predicted and “New Economy Transition Plans” will be developed. The transition will cause disruption but it will manageable. Money will collapse – society will not.


When it comes to nuclear weapons there’s no way to accurately predict what would happen if they were all exploded in one war. One study suggests that 50% of the population would die from a combination of the explosions and various consequecens of the explosions. That’s based on current technology. Over time, this technology will advance and the consequences of nuclear war will become even worse.

However, this may be completely irrelevant because humanity is predictably moving toward extinction without nuclear weapons playing any role whatsoever.


It’s critical to consider the proliferation of what I call WSD or Weapons of Significant Destruction. WMD can kill millions. WSD can kill thousands or tens of thousands.

At some point in time, it will be possible for anyone to make WSD with readily available products. At another subsequent point time, there will absolutely nothing that government agencies can do about it.

The foundational technology for this already exists. What does the TDA tell us?

Viruses made in a lab, bio terrorism.

Viruses made in labs and the development of bio weapons will become increasingly more powerful while becoming easier to develop and at lower cost.

The TDA tells us that this can lead to another category of WSD.

We will defend against these threats in two ways.

Building advanced humans

We attempt to defend against these threats by deploying nano technology inside the human body using human genome editing to produce humans that can withstand the effects of lab viruses and bio weapons. And we will use robotics to augment and improve our physical capabilities.

In the meantime, most humans will the same technology for cosmetic purposes in order to feed their vanity and social status.


At this point in time in the evolution of the OS generative AI has created a minor shock to collective system and we can see that AGI is only a few years away and super AGI will follow a few years later.

AI has already disrupted many industries. The combination of AGI, Super AGI and the millions of apps and tools that will be built with these technologies in the next 2-5 will cause major shifts in current employment and economic paradigms.

My observation of humanity during this early, but significant, phase has lead to some curious conclusions. The average human doesn’t care about anything until it punches them in the face. Advanced humans will anticipate the punch and prepare a solid defense or counter act with an aggressive offense. My content is for people in the second category.

Technological law enforcement

Mind reading

When the proliferation of tools and knowledge that can be used to build WSD has become unmanageable, it will be obvious that life on earth will be so risky that humans will reluctantly specific restrictions of freedom and invasions of privacy that would otherwise seem to be outrageous.

The only way to stop random people from building and using WSD is to read their minds and stop them before they do it.

This will be what I call technological law enforcement (TLA) – law enforcement executed without human involvement.

The foundational technology for this already exists. The early versions of a Brain Computer Interface already exists.

Meta recently published a paper about advancements in decoding visual perception. In simple terms, the technology is capable of visualizing, with precision, the things that a person is looking at based on their brain activity alone.

What does the TDA tell us?

Everything you see is related to everything you are thinking. If it’s possible to decode thoughts in a human brain it will also be possible to insert thoughts into a human brain.

The inability to think freely and privately will trigger massive psychological disturbance at both the individual and collective level of humanity. It will signal the end of our current form of humanity. Humans will have no choice but to transition into a fundamentally different form of existence.

Anthropomorphic beings

While building augmentation technology for humans we are also technology designed for the specific purpose of behaving like a human.

A small portion of the population has already started emotionally connecting with AI companions.

Does it appeal to our need for unconditional love or unconditional obedience? Our need for basic human connection or any connection? Will the the impact on our mental health be positive?

Current versions of AI companions are very immature (in all senses of the word). At some point in time, all humans will have AI companions that physically, mentally and emotionally resemble humans – not flawed humans like you and I – they’ll be super humans.

Climate change

At some point in time, the population will stop growing, there will be a certain amount of human made materials in the world, recycling and regeneration technologies will be capable of making anything from the existing repository of human made materials.

At this point in time, a functioning circular economy can produce all of the materials required to sustain humanity and abuse of the earth will become immoral and illegal.

Will humans stop wanting to have children?

At some point in time, the decision to have children will be prohibitively complex.

  • The emergence of powerful technologies that are freely available at relatively low cost will inevitably result in highly restrictive regulatory environment design to protect humans. Parents may be legally required to genetically enhance their children before conception and technologically augment their children after birth.
  • Compliance with these regulations will be stressful, expensive and wrapped in potentially massive legal liability for the parents.
  • Concern for the mental health of children will be extreme.

Most parents will decide that it will be irresponsible and unethical to bring a child into this environment. At some point in time, ordering an advanced anthropomorphic robot that has been specifically designed to behave like a growing human will be a better option.

Value of consciousness

The TDA tells us that, at some point in time, the world will be controlled by machines. One obvious question we have is – why would they want to retain humans or allow for the conception of more humans?

All parts of the human body will eventually be replaced with more advanced hardware and software. The only component in question is consciousness.

What is the value of consciousness for the machines that rule over the world? And, if it has value, will consciousness emerge organically as part of the evolution of AI or is it something that is uniquely human?

While the true nature of consciousness remains a phenomena that is not yet understood, the most probable scenario is that humans will be replicated in labs by combining human eggs and sperm that contain genetically optimized DNA in order to build “base humans” that will become a component in various intelligent machines. Conscious machines that exist in a persistent state of extended reality that is totally controlled by the imagination of the remaining conscious being.

In the event that the true nature of consciousness is understood, it can be deconstructed and reconstructed by the machines.

In this scenario, our final question will be – what useful purpose do legacy humans serve?

PXR (perpetual extended reality)

If we can use technology to induce and manage lucid dreaming and merge it with extended reality then the entire experience will feel real. At what point in time will it be preferable for humans to exist in a state of persistent extended reality?

  • When humans cannot physically or mentally survive in a very harsh and fundamentally different environment
  • And, when we trust the technology

The machines that govern the XR will have ultimate control so we want them to act benevolently toward humans.

I searched for examples of benevolence in nature and couldn’t find any. So, the survival of humans will likely depend on humans having some useful purpose. The machines will only act benevolently toward humans it it needs them. If it doesn’t need them, it will make a calculation about whether maintaining humans in the harsh future environment will is a good or bad use of valuable resources.

If we end up in a state of PXR, will this be a satisfactory human experience? If we want the machines to provide a satisfactoy human experience, we need to communicate our needs to the machines during the development of the machines. Which philosophical frameworks will we use to describe the nature of human satisfaction, fulfillment and joy.

Existing in a state of persistent XR will be the ultimate test of your imagination and your capacity for self love because, in this scenario, that’s all you’ve got.


The ongoing evolution of humans and technology will have massive, invasive consequences for us as individuals and collectively. We have to make a lot of important decisions along way and these decisions cannot be left to a small number of people that hold massive power as a result of centralized systems and institutions. These people and the institutions they lead are dinosaurs and we need to become their ice the age. [direct democracy] [insert clips from your ODD vids]

[There will always be a portion of humans that want weaponize anything and everything. Every technology, consumer product, social construct, fear or myth is a potential tool for disaffected humans to advance a destructive ideology]

[The progression toward the destination will not occur in a single event. It will be characterized by millions of small but significant advances. Everyone of them impacts the trajectory of humanity and has the potential to cause damage before course corrective action can be implemented.]

So, we’re in a race. A race to save humanity before it is overwhelmed by the forces of greed, exclusion and ideological dogma.

What is HEOS?

It’s something we have to discover then it’s something we have to build. We need to define our optimal destination and the optimal path that will lead us to that destination with the minimum amount of collateral damage and the maximum amount of excitement.

It’s an abstract framework that we can use to make decisions about what we need to do and what role each of us can play. It will never be subject to dogma and everything will be subject to upgrade and optimization.

And, if and when it’s required, let’s use it to fight against those that misuse technology. Love is our most powerful weapon.

Everybody has a unique role to play – a role that can only be played by you. Can you find the courage to step up – and be you. [What role will you play?]

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