Gender Parity Can Improve The Economy. But There’s More…

Gender Parity Can Improve The Economy. But There’s More…

According to PwC’s Women in Work Index, achieving economic gender parity could add:
  • $250 billion to the GDP of the United Kingdom
  • $1.75 billion to US GDP
  • $320 billion to Japan’s GDP
  • $310 billion to Germany’s GDP
  • China could add $2.5 trillion to its GDP by closing its gender gap
The importance of gender equality is not defined by money. We need to avoid falling into the trap of getting distracted by money. Even if women and girls couldn’t contribute to the economy, they still should be treated equally.
Equal treatment is something that all people are entitled to receive based on being human,
Not based on their ability to make an economic contribution.
“A woman is human. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is never less. Equality is a given. A woman is human.”
― Vera Nazarian
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