
Regrets Of Dying People

Philosophy and science are helpful when it comes to understanding happiness but we can also learn from the wisdom of humans that have spent decades on the planet, experienced many things and are coming face-to-face with their own death. This book starts at the end. Ultimately it all comes down to this. Unless you die

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Life Wall Components

Shelter The immediate environment in which we live can have an enormous impact on our daily lives. Is it a safe place? Are you sharing the place with people that you like or don’t like? Is the energy in the house pleasant, stressful, positive, negative, etc? At one extreme it is just shelter. At the

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The Life Wall

The self development that we discussed above does not just include learning, training, etc. It also includes relaxation, rejuvenation and all activities that contribute to making you a well-balanced and happy human. As I mentioned in the introduction, there is increasing scientific evidence indicating that humans will perform much better and feel happier when they

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Purpose Of Life – Cycles

As a result of the concept of relativity impacting how we recognize happiness (it can only feel good compared to something that feels bad) and the concept of equilibrium explaining why happiness is temporary (humans adapt to good and bad circumstances therefore happiness resulting from each “success in life” or pleasure stimulus fades over time)

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The Purpose Of Life

So, what is your life’s purpose? Let’s start by dealing with the common question, what is the meaning of life? This question seems to be asking for a definition of life but could also be asking many other things. This question is very vague. I don’t believe it can be answered (because it doesn’t make

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