Adam Radly: ‘Maximum Positive Impact’ – Origins
Adam Radly – Founder of “I Imagine”
The best way to learn about who Adam is and his motivation for creating “I Imagine” is to watch his TedxTalk about passion. It received more than 1 million views in less than 10 weeks.
Otherwise, take a look at the quick summary below.
Adam is the founder of “World Reconciliation Day” – Adam spent the day with Nelson Mandela and the company that Adam founded presented him with US$1 million at an event attended by 20,000 people.
Adam went to Mali (West Africa) to help a village in 2004, 2006, 2008. There were many ways to help but Adam didn’t know which one was best. He eventually realized that he was really asking – what can I do that will have the biggest positive impact?
After implementing a program for the village that had the maximum positive impact (“MPI”) he thought this concept should be applied by all nonprofits, then he thought – why not all organizations of any kind and, eventually, he realized that this could be a philosophy of life.
So, he developed the Maximum Positive Impact philosophy and wrote a book about it.
He decided he should also follow his own philosophy so he created an organization whose only purpose is to have the biggest possible impact on the world and was based on the principals of the MPI philosophy – he called it “I Imagine”.